Learn about Opis Database ORM

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Opis Database ORM provides a simple and elegant ActiveRecord implementation for working with database records, allowing you to map each table to a model. Models are represented by classes that inherits from Opis\Database\Model abstract class, which allow you to query tables, to insert new data in your tables, or to update or delete existing records.

Models should not directly extend the Opis\Database\Model class. Instead, users should create a class that extends the Opis\Database\Model class and implements all the abstract methods, then utilize that implementation as a base class for all models.

use Opis\Database\Model;
use Opis\Database\Connection;

// Implementation of Opis\Database\Model
class BaseModel extends Model
    protected static $connection;
    public static function getConnection()
        if (static::$connection === null) {
            static::$connection = new Connection('mysql:dbname=mydatabase',
        return static::$connection;

// User model
class User extends BaseModel

Mapping models to tables

If a model’s associated table name is not explicitly specified by the user, Opis Database will try to automatically map that model to a table. A model named Bar will be mapped to a table named bars and a model named FooBar will be mapped to a table named foo_bars.

You can use the $table property to explicitly define the name of the table associated with the model.

// User model
class User extends BaseModel
    protected $table = 'my_users';

Table’s primary key

All tables are expected to have a primary key named id. If your table’s primary key is named different, then you can specify the primary key’s name by adding a $primaryKey property to the model.

// User model
class User extends BaseModel
    protected $primaryKey = 'uid';

By default, Opis Database ORM assumes that the table’s primary key is an autoincrementing key. If you want to provide a custom primary key you must set the $primaryKeyType property to Model::PRIMARY_KEY_CUSTOM and overwrite the generatePrimaryKey method.

You must make sure that the generated primary key is a unique value.

// User model
class User extends BaseModel
    protected $primaryKeyType = Model::PRIMARY_KEY_CUSTOM;
    protected function generatePrimaryKey()
        // return a unique primary key