File uploads

Learn how to handle uploaded files

This library is abandoned. Please consider using a different library.

Uploaded files are represented with the help of the Opis\Http\IUploadedFile interface. A default implementation of this interface is provided by the library’s own Opis\Http\UploadedFile class.

The first thing you will probably want to do with an uploaded file, is to move it to a custom location. This can be easily accomplished with the help of the moveToFile method.

// Get the uploaded file
$picture = $request->file('profile_picture');

// Move it

You can also move a picture to a given stream, by using the moveToStream method. One of the use-cases for this method, is when you want to move the uploaded file to another server, for example.

// Get the uploaded file
$picture = $request->file('profile_picture');

// To stream
$picture->moveToStream(new \Opis\Stream\Stream('ftp:///path/to/file.jpg', 'w'));

If the file was already moved and you call the moveToStream or moveToFile method, an exception will pe thrown. Use the wasMoved method to check if a file was moved or not.

if (!$picture->wasMoved()){
    // do something

You can also obtain a read-only stream to the uploaded file, by calling the getStream method.

$stream = $picture->getStream();


The interface defines several method that can be used to obtain meta information about an uploaded file. To check if the file was uploaded without error, just use the getError method. More info on the meaning of the integer value returned by this method can be found here.

if ($file->getError() !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
    // something went wrong

Checking the file-size of an uploaded file is done by using the getSize method. The method returns a value that express the file’s number of bytes.

if ($file->getSize() > 1024 * 1024) {
    // do something

Obtaining information about the file-name and the file’s media type, is done by using the getClientFilename and getClientMediaType methods.

echo $file->getClientFilename();
echo $file->getClientMediaType();